iCashCars System Status


21 services are Online / 1 Services are Offline / 0 Services are Unknown

Incoming Leads

  • Check Vehicle Counts - Checked Every Hour

    Check the number of vehicles in our API
    Monitor Paused
  • iCashCars Website - Checked Every Minute

    Check the website is online
    Online - 93%
  • Customer Portal - Checked Every Minute

    Check the Customer Portal is Online
    Online - 93%
  • Check Vehicles Missing CAP - Checked Every Hour

    Check the number of vehicles missing CAP
    Monitor Paused
  • Check Vehicles Missing AT - Checked Every Hour

    Check the number of vehicles missing AT
    Monitor Paused

CRM & Automation

  • Check Incoming Messages Counts - Checked Every Hour

    Check the number of Incoming messages received is more than previous hour.
    Monitor Paused
  • Check Outgoing Messages Counts - Checked Every Hour

    Check the number of Outgoing messages sent is more than previous hour.
    Monitor Paused
  • Check Scheduled Messages - Checked Every Hour

    Check the number of Scheduled messages is more than previous hour.
    Monitor Paused
  • Check Scheduled Messages Status - Checked Every Hour

    Check if the Scheduled messages are sent on time
    Monitor Paused
  • Check Incoming Calls Counts - Checked Every Hour

    Check the number of Incoming calls received is more than previous hour.
    Monitor Paused
  • Check Outgoing Calls Counts - Checked Every Hour

    Check the number of Outgoing calls sent is more than previous hour.
    Monitor Paused
  • iCashCars CRM - Checked Every Minute

    Check the website is online
    Online - 93%
  • Is Most Wanted Notification Working? - Checked Every 15 Minutes

    Check if Most Wanted cron job has been succesfully run
    Last run: 57 minutes from now
  • Is Rob Alive? - Checked Every 15 Minutes

    Check if Rob has been succesfully run
    Last run: 56 minutes from now

Traders Portal

  • Check Trader Incoming Messages Counts - Checked Every Hour

    Check the number of Trader messages received is more than previous hour.
    Monitor Paused
  • Trader Dashboard - Checked Every Minute

    Check the Trader Dashboard is online
    Online - 100%

Auxiliary Services

  • HR Portal - Checked Every Minute

    Check the HR Portal is Online
    Online - 93%
  • Drivers Portal - Checked Every Minute

    Check the Drivers portal is Online
    Online - 93%

Third Party Services

  • Check UKVD Credit - Checked Every Hour

    Check the current balance in UKVD is over £50
    Balance OK - £144.73
  • Check A&P Credit - Checked Every Hour

    Check the current balance in A&P is over 5000
    Balance OK - 6000 credits
  • Check Outgoing Email Server - Checked Every Minute

    Check smtp.hosted.name is online and responding
  • Check Dial9 Webhook - Checked Every Hour

    Check Dial9 Webhook is enabled or disabled

3rd Party

  • UKVD Vehicle - Requests

    Number of requests since 20/01/2022 to UK Vehicle Data
    24610 4825614
  • UKVD Image - Requests

    Number of requests since 20/01/2022 to UK Vehicle Data
    24200 239291
  • Auto Trader - Requests

    Number of requests since 20/01/2022 to Auto Trader
    17087 40946
  • CAP Monthly - Requests

    Number of requests since 20/01/2022 to CAP HPI
    8586 5261
  • CAP Live - Requests

    Number of requests since 20/01/2022 to CAP HPI
    12 1
  • Addresses and Postcodes - Requests

    Number of requests since 20/01/2022 to Addresses and Postcodes
    3009 20842